Dream. Develop. Defend. Deliver.

Anita Hansen is a sought-after coach and strategist. Her background includes more than 25 years of multi-cultural leadership experience across the United States and Canada in the areas of organizational change, leadership development, philanthropy, marketing, sales, and communications.

As an executive coach trained through the Townsend Institute at Concordia University, Irvine, and a Certified Working Genius Facilitator, Anita brings experience, mastery, and passion to her work. She guides coaching and consulting clients in developing their growth goals through organizational health skills and increased emotional intelligence. Whether one-on-one or with teams, Anita helps leaders and organizations build capacity for innovation, strategy, and effectiveness. She is also a skilled facilitator for both small and large groups. Anita has a remarkable ability to build transformative insights,  collaboration, and productivity through Seasonal Strategic Growth Retreats.

In the early parts of her career, Anita quickly rose to leadership in marketing and fundraising roles – building teams, working with boards and volunteers, stewarding customer relationships, and growing both mission and revenue. As a senior consultant with TRG Arts, Anita worked with visual and performing arts clients in the United States and Canada.  She brought her signature coaching style to TRG’s renowned data-driven and patron-centric consulting to each client relationship. Her consulting work focused on changing organizational culture and strategy through the teams and individual leaders in each consulting partnership. Additionally, Anita’s visionary leadership of TRG Art’s group consulting practice provided meaningful professional growth opportunities. Clients learned industry skills in collaboration with peers in a guided, shared environment. Whether inward with mentors, coaches or consultants, or outward with teams, groups and organizations, Anita’s life is of proof of the power of people.

Anita brings a palpable passion for people and growth to her work. And, through the value of authenticity, she personally walks the path of focused growth and change that she advocates with her clients. Anita has been the featured speaker at national and regional arts conferences, and a guest speaker for the University of North Carolina arts administration program.

Anita is a graduate of Baylor University with a B.A. in communications. She earned a M.A. in executive coaching and consultation at the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling at Concordia University, Irvine. Anita lives in Southern California with her family and is an active community volunteer and board member. She focuses her service time on public education, music, and spiritual growth.


You can count on me to be for you and forward focused.

Strong leaders seek growth coaches. I will bring focus to the skills and connections you have and need to achieve your leadership vision.

You will experience that I’m passionate about developing your unique identity and influence.

I believe you are capable of growth and that your fullest potential – a presence of authentic leadership and intentional influence – brings greater joy and impact. I delight in sharing your growth.

You can trust me to confidently and confidentially guide you at each step.

Our partnership is a safe and trusted space that honors the ethics of the International Coaching Federation.

And, you can trust that you will always be the hero–we will focus on your needs and your success.

You’re the hero and I’m your trusted guide.  You’re always in control of your growth.

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