Dream. Develop. Defend. Deliver.

How do you support everyone to do their best thinking at a meeting or planning session?

Use a skilled facilitator! Anita K. Hansen achieves your desired outcomes by creating safe and productive spaces that encourage participation and diverse viewpoints, asks tough questions and challenges assumptions, and identifies points of insight and consensus.
Board and Office Retreats
Team Development
Strategic Planning
Organizational & Process Improvement
  • Design and plan the experience using skilled tools that best help the desired group outcome
  • Guided process to ensure effective participation, shared understanding, respectful contributions, focus on goals, and shared responsibility for the outcome
  • Ensure that outcomes, actions and questions are properly recorded and actioned
  • Leverage the interpersonal skills of a skilled coach and consultant to lead the experience so that you can focus on participating, not facilitating

Client Testimonials

Ready to talk about your facilitation needs?

Schedule your FREE 15-minute exploratory call with Anita today!